Event Agenda 2023

Saturday, June 17

5 pm Cocktail reception at Alaska Kingfishers Camp and Boat fundraising auction. 

Join celebrity guest bartender Guy Armfield and your fellow fisherfolk for a cocktail reception to open the event. Be ready to bid as we will be auctioning off THREE swag-filled boats for fishing on Sunday.

6:30 pm Return to home camps for dinner.   

sunday, June 18

8 am Breakfast in home camps and fishing. Auction boats on the river!    

12:30 pm Traditional Welcome and Open Community Lunch at Toman’s Camp. 

Arrive for our traditional welcome and prayer, as well as cultural presentation. Toman’s will serve up a great hot lunch for community members and event attendees. 

6 pm Dinner at home camps.

7-9 pm In-camp cornhole tournament. 

Become the king/queen of the camp! Each camp will crown its top two teams to participate in a championship at the Closing Dinner.

monday, JUNE 19

7:30 am Breakfast at home camps and all-day fishing!!Pack your lunch for on-river.     

10 am Poker run and Native Food Tasting. 

We’re playing poker today. Teams will stop by our participating camps to collect winning hands and experience our famous Native food tastings. 

7:30 pm Dinner, Celebration, Poker Run Finale & Cornhole Championship. 

We’ll be announcing the poker run winner today. Cornhole finalists from each camp will all meet at Kingfishers for our closing dinner and celebration.


tuesday, June 20

8 am-Noon Sponsor Teams depart