Neqa derby COVID mitigation and safety plan 2022
The Neqa on the Nushagak is a multi-day event that takes place on the Nushagak River in the Bristol Bay region. It is a dispersed event with individual fishermen and fishing teams staying at a variety of fish camps along the river. Overall event attendance is limited to approximately 100 people during four days, and participants are spread out along the river in individual boats.
Derby Headquarters and Weigh Station Location
The Neqa Fishing Derby will host two weigh station locations. The first station will be hosted at Toman’s King Camp. The second station will be hosted at the Alaska Kingfisher Camp. The derby master will be based at both locations at different times during the event according to a weigh station schedule. The Neqa Derby opens for participants at 6 a.m. on Saturday, June 18 and closes at 4 p.m. Sunday, June 19.
The Toman’s weigh station will be open:
Noon – 2 p.m. – Saturday, June 18
Noon – 2 p.m. – Sunday, June 19
The Kingfisher’s weigh station will be open:
4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, June 18
4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday, June 19
All anglers are eligible, except guides and captains, and those actively engaging in commercial fishing.
Derby Fishing Boundary
Neqa Derby fishing boundary on the Nushagak River is from:
• Mouth of Kokwok River (Upper River Boundary);
• Black Point, (Down River Boundary).
Each participating lodge maintains appropriate insurance coverage for its expected derby activities. The Bristol Bay Native Corporation Education Foundation maintains appropriate insurance related to its sponsorship role.
All individuals that participate in the in-person derby event will sign a waiver of liability, as part of their derby ticket purchase.
BBNCEF will monitor staff COVID-19 testing prior to start of the event, and optional testing during the event. Lodges and camps will oversee their guests and will be following their COVID-19 Mitigation Plans including any medical needs for their lodge guests.
Staff and Volunteers
All staff and volunteers will be encouraged to be vaccinated against COVID-19. All staff and volunteers will be screened for illness ahead of the event.
Out of State Participants
As of March 4, 2022, travel notification is no longer required for participants who travel to Dillingham. Detailed information can be found here and may be subject to change:
• The event will be capped at 250 participants per day.
• The event will primarily sell derby tickets online prior to the event start, with a limited number of tickets available for purchase on-site prior to and during the event.
• Derby tickets cannot be refunded after purchase.
• Participants will be updated about the event and COVID-19 specifically through the event website.
Pre-Derby Health Checks
• Staff and participants will be asked to self-test for COVID-19 and asked not to participate if they are sick or have been directly exposed to COVID-19 prior to the event.
• Participants shall comply with the COVID-19 protocols of their respective lodges.
• Follow-up email will be sent after the event to ask anyone who became ill and tested during or after the event to contact us.