Neqa derby Rules & Regulations 2022

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Neqa Derby will consist of two parts: the Weigh-In Derby and the Catch and Release Derby.

Derby Headquarters and Weigh Station Location

The Neqa Fishing Derby will host two weigh station locations. The first station will be hosted at Toman’s King Camp. The second hybrid station will be hosted at the Alaska Kingfisher Camp. The derby master will be based at both locations at different times during the event according to a weigh station schedule.

Derby Times and Weigh Station Hours

The Derby runs from 6 a.m. on Saturday, June 18 and closes at 4 p.m. Sunday, June 19. Fish may be caught at any time during this window.

The Toman’s weigh station will be open:

Noon – 2 p.m. – Saturday, June 18

Noon – 2 p.m. – Sunday, June 19

The Kingfisher’s weigh station will be open:

4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, June 18

4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday, June 19

All anglers are eligible, except guides and captains, and those actively engaging in commercial fishing.

 Derby Rules and Regulations

  • All fishing must be done within the Neqa Derby rules;

  • All derby participants MUST abide by Alaska Department of Fish & Game sport fishing regulations and be bound by any ADF&G fisheries Emergency Orders in effect at the time of the event;

  • Fish caught outside the derby boundaries are not eligible;

  • Fish caught outside the fishing times stated above are not eligible. (For example, a fish caught at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 17 is not eligible for the derby);

  • Weigh In Derby participants can enter a maximum of 1 salmon per day in their name but may weigh more than 1 fish at the scales.  

  • There is no limit on the number of Catch and Release fish participants may document and enter.

  • Fishing in the Derby must be done with sport fishing gear. All fish must be caught on rod and reel and in a sporting manner. Participants can fish with one rod per Derby ticket.

  • All Derby participants must demonstrate that they have recorded their harvest on the back of their fishing license or on their harvest record card as required by regulation.


Additional Rules for Catch and Release

  • Fish must be released alive.

  • Fish must be kept in water while handling and measured for total length and girth (see details below for measuring fish.) Measurements should be measured to the nearest half inch.

  • Photos of the fish must be shown to derby weigh station staff and verified on a weigh station ticket. At least one photo must be a side-view of the fish with a clearly discernable measuring device, indicating both length and width.


Weigh in Derby

The Derby will award (3) three major prizes for the heaviest salmon weighed during the Derby. Only (1) one major top salmon prize will be awarded per entrant.

  • First Prize: 2 RT Alaska Airlines Tickets

  • Second Prize: Seattle Kraken premier experience for two

  • Third Prize:  Orvis fishing waders


Catch and Release Derby

For each 5 lbs of estimated weight, derby participants will receive a ticket for a drawing for a packaged Eva’s Wild Salmon and FisheWear prize bundle i.e., a 20lb estimated King would equate to 4 raffle tickets. Tickets will be pooled, and a winner drawn at the conclusion of the Derby.

Lodge Trophy

A Lodge Trophy will be awarded to the camp or lodge hosting the angler who catches the heaviest fish in the weigh-in derby.

Depending on donations, the Derby may choose to issue other prizes, such as guide award, prizes for youth, first fish, last fish, etc.


  • Any unclaimed prizes shall be dispensed at the sole discretion of the Derby Committee.

  • Following certification, the Derby Committee will notify winners by mail at the address listed on the participant’s derby ticket. Prizes not claimed 30 days from the date notification is sent will be forfeited. The Committee may also use the telephone (for contestants with listed numbers) or e-mail (if available) to notify winning participants.

  • IRS 1099 forms will be issued in accordance with IRS guidelines to all prize recipients. IRS and State of Alaska Gaming forms must be signed by the prize recipient before prizes are distributed.


Fishing Boundaries

Neqa Derby contestants can fish the Nushagak River from:

 • Mouth of Kokwok River (Upper River Boundary);

 • Black Point, (Down River Boundary).


Derby Boundary Map 2022

Any contestants fishing outside the fishing boundaries will be disqualified.

Weigh in and Reporting Procedures and Rules

(i)  Derby participants may participate in the Weigh-In Derby or Catch & Release Derby, or both.

(ii) The tickets for Weigh-In Derby are $100 per ticket and 150 will be available. Tickets for the Catch & Release Derby are $50 per ticket and 150 will be available. All tickets are good for the length of the Derby. Event tickets will be available throughout the Derby until we are sold out and assigned to one person each. Once the name of the person on the entry ticket is assigned, only fish from that entrant can be weighed in against that ticket. (i.e., you cannot have one person weigh-in fish on a ticket on Friday and a different person weigh-in fish on that same ticket on Sunday).  

(iii) Participants turning in fish to the Derby MUST BE in the weigh scale line up by closing time each day to weigh or submit their fish.

(iv) Participants weighing in fish MUST provide the weigh scale staff with their valid fishing license with necessary stamps attached for their entry to be validated. Derby staff will verify the Derby ticket was purchased by the participant and participant will sign the ticket agreeing to terms and conditions prior to salmon weigh-in. Additionally, all harvested King salmon must be recorded on the back of a sport fishing license or on a harvest record card.

(v) All salmon entries must be greater than 28 inches in length (or five (5) pounds in weight).

(vi) Only salmon that meet the size criteria set out in the Alaska Department of Fish & Game fishing regulations in place at the time of the Derby will be accepted at the scales, no exceptions will be considered.

(vii) Any person attempting to weigh-in fish caught illegally, not in compliance with Derby rules, caught outside the boundaries, and/or caught outside the derby times will be disqualified immediately.

(viii) All weigh-in fish, including fish that win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes, remain property of the individual.

(ix) In the case of weigh-in ties, the first logged fish weighed will be awarded the higher prize.

(x) For catch and release derby:

a.     Fish must be kept in water and measured for total length and girth. The girth is measured at the thickest portion of the midsection and the length is measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. All measurements should be in inches and to the nearest half-inch.

b. A photo of the fish must be shown to Derby weigh station staff and verified on a weigh station ticket. At least one photo must be a side-view of the fish with a clearly discernable measuring device, indicating both length and width.

c.     An weight will be determined utilizing the following formula:

                  i.     (Length (inches) X Girth (inches) X Girth(inches))/740 = Weight

EXAMPLE: A K salmon is 52 inches long and has a girth of 30.5 inches. The calculation is as follows: Weight = (52 x 30.5 x 30.5) / 740 = (48,373) / 740 = 65.37 lbs.

Weigh Scale Procedure

(Please do not park in any fashion that interferes with the normal flow of river traffic)

When you arrive at the weigh scale you will be directed to a table where staff will look up your Derby ticket and have you verify agreement to terms with a signature, and check for a valid fishing license with king harvest properly recorded.

Weigh In Derby

Derby officials will hang each fish on the scale to be weighed, and the weight recorded. Pictures of anglers and leader board contending fish will be taken before the fish is removed from the scale. All photographs will be the property of the BBNCEF and can be freely used by BBNCEF without limitation.

Anglers, guides and lodges participating in the Derby will be given an option to donate their fish heads, collars and bellies. These donations will be conserved and donated to elders and other Bristol Bay communities.

Catch and Release Derby

Derby officials will record the fisherperson’s name, fish length, and girth, and provide drawing tickets for each estimated 5 lb increment (rounding up).


General Rules

(i) – Derby tickets are non-refundable;

(ii) – the number of Derby tickets sales will be limited to 150 for each Derby (Weigh-In and Catch and Release);

(iii) – by purchasing a ticket and entering the derby, individuals agree to abide by the Derby rules;

(iv) – BBNC Education Foundation, the Neqa Derby organizer, will appoint derby officials to oversee the smooth and fair operation of the event;

(v) – Derby officials may, where necessary, make a ruling on or decisions related to the application of the official derby rules;

(vi) – in the event of any dispute the Derby officials’ decisions will be respected and deemed as final;

(vii) – Derby officials shall have the right to conduct further examination or inspection of disputed or suspect catches that are in contention to win any prize, draws or event contests

(viii) – At the close of derby, the Derby Committee shall make its unofficial results available on the Derby website.

 (ix) All complaints of rule violations must be submitted in writing within 24 hours of the end of fishing. The protest must include the alleged rule(s) violation and list corroborating witnesses (if any) that can substantiate the violation. The Derby Committee shall investigate each written protest and respond to all parties in writing as to its decision in the matter.

(x) – Derby certification shall take place no more than fourteen days from the close of the Derby.

Waiver of Liability

All participants shall recognize that their signature on a Derby ticket is a waiver of liability, absolving BBNCEF, its officers and directors, volunteers and any sponsors of the Derby, of any and all damages or liability growing out of the contest by entering or otherwise participating in the Derby.

COVID-19 Health Measures

The Neqa Derby will observe guidelines and protocols to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus and promote the health and safety of the public while conducting derby operations.

Nushagak River Land Use Program

Those individuals planning to enter the Derby and fish off the banks of the river and are not part of a lodge must obtain a Choggiung land use permit. Choggiung Limited is located on 104 Main Street, Suite 201, Dillingham, AK 99576. Office hours in Dillingham are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can contact office personnel at 907-842-5218.